Winter tires: 3 mistakes to avoid

If there are snow and ice on the roads, winter tires will help keep you safe while driving in these conditions. Here are three mistakes people are prone to making when it comes to installing them.

1. Waiting to put them on
Summer tires and all-season tires stiffen up when the temperature dips below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, thereby reducing their ability to grip the road. Winter tires, on the other hand, remain supple, providing optimal traction in cold weather. For this reason, it’s best to consider the temperature when deciding on what date to install your winter tires.

2. Skipping the inspection
To do their job properly, winter tires have to be in good condition. Before putting yours on, make sure they have no cracks and a tread depth of at least 6/32 inches. Consider getting a tread depth gauge to measure this precisely. If the tread depth is close to the recommended limit, it’s best to get new tires as worn-out ones won’t be able to guarantee your safety for the whole season.

3. Choosing the wrong ones
Are you shopping for a new set of winter tires? If so, be aware that certain tires perform best on snow while others do better on ice. It’s important to take into account the road conditions you encounter most frequently. Also, consider your individual driving habits.

Though winter tires can improve traction when it’s cold out, they should be removed once the temperature rises above 45 degrees Fahrenheit for longer than a week. Winter tires wear out faster on warm, dry pavement and don’t perform as well as all-season and summer tires in these road conditions.